you are here

here you can find the complete documentation of the impossible project by Silvio Valpreda named "you are here"

everyone is encouraged to download, print, and reproduce (indicating the author Silvio Valpreda) the pdf documentation of “you are here” project although no money contribution could be accepted if less than 700˙000€ (563˙000£ or 885˙000$)
come una barca nel bosco

16 giugno 2012 Silvio Valpreda impossible projects

The way to say “to feel like a boat laying in a forest” represent the condition to experiment our self out of place and with great capabilities but not the right ones for the context.

This metaphoric state could be a description of the relationship between the artist and the social environment.   

Inside the program of Torino Mad Pride Art and in cooperation with PAV Parco di Arte Vivente and Fusion Art Gallery, curated by Silvio Valpreda five international artists realize temporary installation lasting one day each hosted in a boat wrecked in worthless spaces.

Giovedi 14 giugno  ore 19:00   preview   at Fusion Art Gallery

Could something  impossible to realize be art?

Qualcosa impossibile da realizzare può essere arte?